Artist Statement

Artist Statement
Exploring Light
Eye Candy
Contact Me/Pics
In Living Color

8x10 Silver Gelatin Print



I am a photographic and all around artist. I enjoy working in all mediums but mostly lend myself to black and white because of its quiet, yet subtle beauty.  I enjoy photography because of its powerful border on reality and its nature of stopping a moment in time, like a time machine, or a image that is left burned in your retina like a sunspot that won’t go away with out time passing.  Sometimes you have those moments in life where you walk by something and you catch an image like a freeze frame, but instead it’s like a message you are meant to personally see, that is what photography is like for me, a frozen momentary message, or story.  Most of my work revolves around the figure and the female on a basic visual and formal level. The ideas behind will range for my own personal journey as a freethinking and learning individual. I struggle with life and it’s tribulations as a human being as we all do, and the imagery I implore can lean towards an emotional nature because that is how we as emotional beings perceive events and experiences whether it’s associated with joy, pain, rapture etc.  I like to take these forms out of a more mundane reality to an extreme visual display of imagination and raw energy.  I feel these momentary bursts are what life is really composed of, those flashes in life where you transcend the ordinary to completely be encompassed in the moment.  That is when we join with the collective space between realities and truly exist freely.  I like each image to be a small perception that conveys a feeling because I feel that our constructed reality is all perception or a combination of perceptions by the individuals involved in each moment.  I range my issues from personal ones like spirituality and enlightenment to relationships between each other to more broad female roles and issues however some particular works may not be commenting on a gender specific idea per se. The images lend themselves more to a surreality or visionary ideal.  I feel they are more dreamlike than ordinary which falls into my idea of life, that in it’s entirety its one big dream, therefore my imagery lends itself more to the dream world perceptions. 

8x10 Silver Gelatin Print

Well the first days are the hardest days, don't you worry any more
'Cause when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door
Think this through with me, let me know your mind
Wo-oh, what I want to know is, are you kind?